Our seed is produced from our own palm seed gardens
that have been certified by our Department of Forestry
and therefore the seed that you get is totally fresh
and has not been passed through any kind of ‘middle
man’ or supplier in another part of the world.
The money from the seed that you purchase goes to support
our 100% local staff and their families and so you can
be assured that your money is helping the people of
a developing country to get a better life and future.
Our very strict conservation policy and certification
by the Department of Forestry guarantees that our activities
are helping to preserve the rainforests of Borneo and
not exploiting them in a damaging fashion. |

This packing is ideal for collectors and ensures rapid

This packing is for the large collector or medium nursery
who require more modest quantities of seed but require
quick delivery.

For those that want to get their collection going quickly
and don't want to wait for seed to germinate.

This service is for the larger consumer, particularly
nurseries and seed dealers.